This May, beginning our 36th Year!
Joining is easy! Just click the link below and fill out the form. You don't have to have a full team of 4 to join, we will find one for you!
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Questions & Answers
General Info
We bowl Thursday Nights 9:00PM - 3 Games. Practice begins at 9:00pm and we normally begin by 9:10 and end around 11:15. We're located at Back Alley Bowling (formerly Jewel City Bowl), 135 S Glendale Ave. Glendale CA
When does the next league begin?
Fall/Winter League September 12th
How much does it cost?
$26.00 each week
Are there any other fees?
If you're not an USBC member acquired through another league, it's $30. USBC memberships are good for 1-year. (Note: You do not need to join USBC in advance of joining our league.)
Bowling Ball and Shoes
If you don't own your own, alley balls are free & available on the racks. Shoes are located at the front desk and are also free. In the long run, owning your own shoes pays off. We recommend: www.Bowling.com -or- www.BowlersParadise.com
Are there Cash Prizes and Trophy Awards?
Yes. At the end of the season, you will receive cash back for every game you win (normally $2.50 per game!). Trophies for top teams & individuals are awarded. And each week we offer optional opt-in games to win cash prizes: Side Pot, 50/50, Brackets & Strike Pot.
If the league becomes full or has already started its season, can I get on a waiting list?
Yes, simply click the Join Link (above) and fill out the form. We'll get you on a team as soon as possible.
I haven't bowled in years, is that okay?
Yes. Competitive or not, everyone is out to have a night of fun! We're a Handicap League and based on your bowling average you'll get extra pins added to your score to make you competitive to even the best bowler. WE WELCOME ALL SKILL LEVELS!
Please contact us if you have any further questions.